Anyway, Lee was meeting up once again with his arch-nemesis--Lin Dan in final of W.C 2011 and the matches ended with 22-20, 14-21, 21-23 last night! both of them gave an awesome match, great defeat from both, from Lee! What's a marvelous game! they were trying to test our "heart's ability" uh..? xD
Have been reading an article and the article was started with this sentence "it was more heartache for Chong Wei who had lost heavily to Lin in the Olympic 2008 in Beijing" and I agreed with this seriously! Tears dropped when he lost in Beijing Olympic 2008 because of disappointment but this time different, it's because we could see how much effort he put in, how hard he played the game but "so near yet so far".. his dream, our dream, Malaysians' dream broken just in 2 points different, hey man, 2 points only!! He didn't disappointed us this time, he has improved dramatically and he did really really well this time..just, Lin's mentally a lil stronger than him when come to the critical time.. MALAYSIAN PROUD OF YOU, DATO LEE ♥
p/s: to those idiot who still blaming Dato Lee, please keep your mouth shut! Don't simply judge him because you don't even know how much efforts and sacrifices he has had to make! (sorry for being rude but I'm serious!)
Let's see some of the pics of him in BWF World championship 2011 =)
he's cute! ♥
He won Chen Jin from China in semi final with 21-13, 21-9 =)
outline for this match: Chen Jin was leading 7-2 in second set and guess what, our dearest has turned it to 9-21 at the end, it's amazing! ♥
he tried his ever best d! ♥
I am sad when looking at this pic,
his disappointments was showing up all on his face obviously! T.T
we will support you, still! Jia You!! Looking forward to London Olympic 2012 =)
saw someone's status and meant to share here, it's meaningful! :D
“如果世界羽球赛有华山论剑的方式进行的话,我想输赢不需要给别人 知道,因为技巧已经炉火纯青,唯一决定胜负的可能只是帮不帮你的 球网、界线。你知道,也许只是运气,也许只是心理,其实,谁也没 比谁更了不起。若干年后,谁也不知赢的是你还是我。赛后的镜头中 ,我喜欢林丹抱住李宗伟那一刻!那是惺惺相惜……大家心里清楚, 什么是“球逢敌手”“球逢知己”。”
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